
Mitt Romney humiliated video scandal

Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh. I met again with Saber Congratulations work activity and hopefully Create Your Success. This time I Share And Share Article About Mitt Romney humiliated video scandal. Only we are directly Extend your time Let's Listen Together Site Related Have I Describe Below is the following.

Mitt Romney Campaign beaten by the circulation of a video that was recorded secretly contain a call to the rich Republicans who said nearly half of U.S. Americans are "victims of dependency on the government" that works mengemplang taxes.

Team President Barack Obama released a video immediately seize the liberal Mother Jones magazine for meniadi evidence that Romney has dismissed half of the American people, and not fit to be president.

This video is the last blow that struck the team when they were struggling Romney led Romney to the White House under the continued popularity of Romney defeat of Obama in some polls and states the main political battlefield.

In video footage that appeared 50 days before the election Nov. 6, Romney seen speaking in a closed forum with Republican donors that 47 percent of Americans would vote for President Obama "whatever happens."

"There is a 47 percent (of voters) who along with (Obama), which depends on the government, who believe they are victims, who believe government has the responsibility to care for them, who believe that they are entitled to health care, housing, and others."

"These people do not pay income tax. Therefore our message to the bottom (low-tax payers) will not reach. I will never be able to convince them to be responsible and care for themselves."

Mother Jones to stream videos through its website and said the identity of the people who exist in a closed forum is disguised, while the forum where it was not mentioned to protect news sources.

The video that Romney's hard slap seems to be evidence that the Obama camp accusations that Romney is a wealthy businessman who does not care about the middle class, is true.

Obama campaign manager Jim Messina direct hit.

"It is surprising to see a presidential candidate who spoke in a secret room and announced to a group of wealthy donors that half of Americans view themselves as victims' right to disedekahi and do not want to be responsible for their own lives," he said.

"It is difficult to apply as a president for all Americans if you throw so insulted half of the nation," he continued, as quoted by AFP.

There are currently no comments from the Romney camp, but Reince Priebus, chairman of the Republican National Committee, said that the video was even raise important issues about the form of government in American society.

"I think it is clear that is one of the key problems for the American people to decide what kind of America they want to have," said Priebus said, criticizing the Obama administration's social programs.

"We are entering a society that is not self-sufficient in this country," said Priebus told CNN.

Obama continues to lead in many polls.

In a poll by Latino population group after the Democratic National Convention two weeks ago, Obama led with 66 percent of Romney that only 29 percent.

Obama also leads in many key states. According to a recent survey Gallup, Obama is three percent above Obama. source : antaranews
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