
The Israeli authorities will destroy another historic building in Jerusalem belongs to Islam under the guise of "improvement"

Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh. I met again with Saber Works Create Incidentally Once you  The Israeli authorities will destroy another historic building in Jerusalem belongs to Islam under the guise of "improvement". Well now directly Only We Listen To Core Articles And Related Site That Has Written Beruikut Under It.

Israel 'plans to destroy another historic buildings owned by Muslims in the land of Al-Quds (Jerusalem), based on information from the Foundation for Waqf and Heritage Al-Aqsa (AFEH), as quoted by the PIC.

It said in a statement that the Israeli authorities are planning to do a major reshuffle in the face of ancient buildings owned by Muslims in the Wad in east Jerusalem.

AFEH said activity called "maintenance of effort" that would extend from the gate Babul Amud to several other gates on the west side of Al-Aqsa Mosque.

AFEH Israeli authorities warned that the plan is actually digging deeper in Wad street on the pretext of repairing infrastructure, which will damage the historic buildings owned by Muslims, while also stealing ancient stones which will then be claimed as a heritage of the nation of Israel.
That's all I'm Happy Just Acknowledgements activity Hopefully Helpful For Semua.Sumber Atikel We

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