How To Get NISN or parent number of national students

For those of you Siawa To The Wanting-student Getting NISN or parent number nationally Students How to Get a Student NISN or parent number nationally - Friend Pustaker, on this occasion, School Library will share about How to get NISN. NISN (National Student Identification Number) is a service management system main number of students nationally DAPODIK part of the program (Data Basic Education) established by The Ministry of National Education Information System Planning Bureau in 2006/2007 and dedicated to the advancement of Education of the Republic of Indonesia. Service NISN implement a centralized and computerized system for managing online student registration numbers nationally appropriate coding standards that have been determined. Any student enrolled at the Services NISN will be coded identifier that is unique student identification, and applicable standards of all time distinguishing one student with other students in the whole school in Indonesia. Mechanisms for determining and providing the identity of the student identifier code process is done automatically by the engine computer on NISN Service Center. Determining and providing the identity of the student identification code based on submission or input (entry) student data sources that have been validated / verified by the individual schools and the Department of Education or the City / County online via a web service. The result of the process of the identification code by the System Center NISN displayed openly within limits through the site NISN.

How to find NISN or National Student Identification Number you can follow through the steps below:

1 : open url in

2 : On the left side menu on the home page select Student Data

3 : Please select the province (eg, South Sulawesi), City / District (eg District. Maros), Qualification (eg SMA / MA) and status (eg State) Then click CHECK LIST

4 : It would appear the names of the tables SMA se Maros

5 ; Select the name of your school

6 : Then search for your name. on the left side you will see the name of your NISN.

In connection with the circular No.. 1980/P3/TP/2011 dated 14 September 2011 from the PDSP Kemdiknas service announcement about the latest version DAPODIK Service System.
So services on the site will be closed on January 1, 2012 at 0:01 pm. To find NISN, NPSN and other operators will be served by the PDSP Dapodik Kemdiknas through the site:

Speech Terimahasih Karaya Mandau Hopefully you NISN Getting Students holding national or No. Good luck and Congratulations activity

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