AutoCAD 2013 Original FREE Download
Did you know that Autodesk has a few years to license its product FREE separately all the student version label. Here I want to share my little knowledge about the student's version CMIIW.
Here's a list of software that we can download student.
AutoCAD - AutoCAD Architecture - AutoCAD Civil 3D - AutoCAD Electrical - AutoCAD for Mac - AutoCAD Map 3D - AutoCAD Mechanical - AutoCAD MEP - AutoCAD P and ID - AutoCAD Raster Design - AutoCAD Revit MEP Suite - AutoCAD Structural Detailing - Autodesk 3ds Max - Autodesk 3ds Max Design - Autodesk Alias ??Automotive - Alias ??Design Autodesk - Autodesk Ecotect Analysis - Autodesk Green Building Studio - Autodesk Impression - Autodesk Inventor Professional - Autodesk Inventor Publisher - Autodesk Maya - Autodesk Moldflow Adviser Advanced - Autodesk MotionBuilder - Autodesk Mudbox - Autodesk NavisWorks Manage - Autodesk Quantity Takeoff - Autodesk Revit Architecture - Revit Structure Autodesk - Autodesk Robot Structural Analysis Professional - Autodesk Showcase - Autodesk Simulation Multiphysics - Autodesk SketchBook Designer - Autodesk SketchBook Pro - Autodesk Smoke for Mac OS X - Autodesk Softimage - Autodesk T_Splines Plug_in for Rhino - Autodesk tsElements Plug_in
Everything is FREE in output in the latest version (currently version 2012) and there are also some long output versions up to version 2010 output.
Is there a difference 'student version' with versions sold?. This explanation of Autodesknya:
The Autodesk Student Version software incorporates all the functionality of our professional licenses, but includes a print banner making the software Inappropriate for professional, commercial, or for-profit purposes. Autodesk Student Version software may not be used in the classroom or lab for instructional purposes, or for commercial or for-profit purposes. Annual licenses of Autodesk student software are not eligible for product upgrade or transfer to a commercial license.
So the function, student version is no different professional version, only on any file created by the student version no marking that states the file is created by the educational product. If we would like to sample printout this picture:

The software license is not legally allowed to be used commercially or for learning activities in the classroom / lab. For the purpose just as it was supplied licensing campus 'Education Version' is not student version. Campus still have to pay (although it is huge discount) to have a license. Well if so, legally anyone who should not use dong student version?
Student license version can only be obtained legally through the Autodesk Education Community portal. So who can get a license is all that join this community. Each member will receive a unique serial number for any software download. Who are can join this portal? These words have a portal:Eligibility Requirements
To Participate in the Autodesk Education Community, you must agree to and comply with the applicable Terms of Use and also satisfy the following eligibility requirements. You must be one of the following: (a) a faculty member; or (b) a student; or (c) an Autodesk Assistance Program participant.A faculty member is an employee at a primary or secondary educational institution or any degree-granting or certificate-granting educational institution or any learning, teaching or training facilities and who upon request by Autodesk is Able to provide proof of such status.
A student is an individual enrolled at a degree-granting Recognized or certificate-granting educational institution for three (3) or more credit hours in a degree-granting or certificate granting education program or in a nine (9) month or longer certificate program, and upon request by Autodesk is Able to provide proof of such enrollment.
An Autodesk Assistance Program participant is either a veteran or unemployed individual who has (a) previously worked in the architecture, engineering, design or manufacturing industries, has completed the online registration for the Autodesk Assistance Program, and upon request by Autodesk is Able to provide proof of eligibility for that program.
Student version is intended for the more personal. For example, teachers or lecturers who teach the material need to use AutoCAD CAD at home or on his laptop to create teaching materials. Or students who have to do their job which may not be queued in the lab, or want to learn independently at home. So with the student version of teachers or students can use the original software and legal, live register to join the Autodesk Education Community portal, downloaded and activated online.
Here's how to join the Autodesk Education Community.
- After performing the main page, click on the 'register'.

- Subsequent registration form will appear
- Complete with a full 3 easy steps registration
- After completing formnya will display a notification like this:

- Account must be activated first, either through email or facebook.
- Congratulations join. username used is alamt registered email.FREE SOFTWARE
- Login to the : Autodesk Education Community
- Click on the tab 'Free software'.

- And then select the software you want to download, the desired version, language, and the corresponding OS. Suppose we want to download Autocad 2013, English, its OS Windows 7 x64. Then click 'next'.

- Further notification will appear on the license and the serial / product number, read. When you have understood click 'I undestand.

- Furthermore, Autodesk will give employees a special serial number to us. if need to record and save for installation purposes. click on the 'download' to start medownload AutoCAD 2013.
The downloaded file is a. Exe (self-extractor). For AutoCAD 2013 about 1.2 GB in size. For those who have an internet connection with a large badnwidth would not be difficult. My suggestion, copy the download link in case the download interrupted. We recommend that you download the download manager or browser that has the facilities 'resume' for example Opera.Ucaapan Terimakasih Sekian Tutorial Kita Tentang Ini AutoCAD 2013 Original. Selamat Mencoba Dan Selamat Beraktifitas.
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