Strange weather phenomenon, CO2 Snow Snow on Mars | Video

Mars' south pole covered with "dry ice" during the year.

A spacecraft orbiting Mars detect unusual phenomenon on the planet: the snow carbon compounds. This makes Mars the only object in the solar system with the strange weather phenomena. Snow on Mars down from the clouds near the south pole of the planet, during the winter of 2006 and 2007. Scientists only discovered it after sorting out the observation of Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter (MRO) owned by the U.S. space agency, NASA.

Mars' south pole was covered frozen carbon dioxide, or "dry ice" during the year. The new findings may help explain how it was formed and continues. "This is the first definitive detection of the presence of carbon dioxide snow cloud," said researcher Paul Hayne of the Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) of NASA in Pasadena. "We found that the cloud is composed of carbon dioxide, air flake Mars, and thick enough to produce snow accumulation on the surface."

These findings suggest that Mars has two different types of snow. In 2008 the last observer NASA Phoenix landing on Mars, watching snow ice frozen, something familiar on Earth, down near the Martian north pole. Hayne and his team studied data collected by the Mars Climate instruments, MRO during the winter in the south of Mars was in 2006-2007. These instruments allow scientists to study the key characteristics of the particles and gases in the Martian atmosphere, such as the size and degree of concentration.

However, astronomers are still not entirely sure how dry ice can survive and deposited at the south pole of Mars, the only place where carbon dioxide frozen throughout the year. It could be due to accumulation of snow or objects that may be frozen in air at ground level. Dry ice requires temperatures around minus 193 degrees Fahrenheit (minus 125 Celsius) to be dropped, strengthens the case how cold the surface of Mars.

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