Life Four Companions of the Prophet Muhammad SAW

Hello Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh the companions of life associated with the firmness of faith, piety, asceticism and noble character. Because every person who examines the spiritual life in Islam can not ignore the spiritual lives of the friends that fosters life-century Sufi century afterward.

Life of the Companions used as a reference by the Sufis as the companions of the Prophet Muhammad as a direct disciple in all deeds and sayings they always follow the life of Prophet Muhammad. Therefore the behavior of their lives can be said to be similar to the behavior of the life of Prophet Muhammad, except for certain things peculiar to the Prophet Muhammad. At least the life of the companions are the most life like life exemplified by the Prophet Muhammad as they witnessed what was done and spoken by the Prophet SAW. Therefore, the Qur'an praises them: "Those who earlier first again (to Islam) among the Emigrants and Helpers and those who followed them properly, Allah is well pleased with them and they too good pleasure of God and God has for them heavens flowing rivers in it, they will abide therein forever. That's a big win. " (QS.At Tawbah: 100).

Abu Nasr as-Sarraj at-Tusi wrote in his book, Kitab al-Luma ', remarks about Utbah Abi al-Hilwani (one of his successors) about the lives of the Companions: "Would I tell you about the life of the companions of the Prophet Muhammad? First, meet God they prefer from the worldly life. Secondly, they are not afraid of the enemy, whether the enemy is little or much. Third, they do not fall into poverty in the world, and thus they believe in Allah sustenance. "

The lives of four best friends who become role models Prophet Sufis in detail is as follows:

Abu Bakr as-Siddiq.
At first, he was one of Kuraisy rich. After conversion to Islam, he was a very modest man. When faced with the battle of Tabuk, the Prophet asked his companions, who were willing to give their possessions in Allah SWT. Abu Bakr was the first to respond: "I am O Messenger of Allah." Eventually Abu Bakr gave all his possessions to the cause of Allah. Seeing this, the Prophet asked: "What else do you live, O Abu Bakr?" He replied: "Enough for me Allah and His Messenger."

It is reported that during the six days of the week Abu Bakr was always hungry. One day the Prophet went kemesjid. There the Prophet met Abu Bakr and Umar ibn al-Khattab, then he asked: "Why are you both already in the mosque?" The two friends replied: "Because entertaining hungry."

Narrated Abu Bakr also that it has a piece of clothing. He said: "If a servant was so bewitched by the ornate world, God hated him until he left the jewelry." Therefore Abu Bakr chose piety as "clothing." He adorned himself with the properties of humble, polite, patient, and always draw closer to God in worship and remembrance.

Umar bin Khattab

Umar bin Khattab is famous for its silence and cleanliness of his heart soul, so the Messenger of Allah said: "Allah has made the truth on Umar's tongue and heart." He is known for asceticism and simplicity. It is related, at some point after he served as caliph, he spoke with twelve wearing patched tear.

Narrated Abdullah ibn Umar, son of Umar bin Khattab, as a child playing with other children. The children were all mocking Abdullah because he was wearing a full dress with patches. This was conveyed to his father who was then serving as caliph. Umar felt sad because at the time did not have the money to buy her clothes. Therefore he made the letter to employees treasury (Pembendaharaan State) requested loaned money and next month will be paid by way of salary cut.

Treasury clerks answered the letter by asking a question, whether Umar believes age will arrive next month. So with compassion, accompanied by tears, Umar wrote another letter to employees Baitul Mal that he no longer borrow money because they do not believe her age until the months to come. Mentioned in Sufism books and biographies, Umar spent the evening worship. It was thus made to mengibangi daylight time many people seized for business interests. He felt that at the time malamlah he has ample opportunity to expose the heart and face to Allah SWT.


Usman bin Affan exemplary Sufis in many ways. Usman was an ascetic, tawaduk (humble themselves before Allah SWT), remember Allah much, much reading the verses of Allah SWT, and has an admirable character. Narrated in the face of Tabuk, while the Muslims are facing famine, Usman give great relief in the form of vehicles and army supplies.

Narrated Similarly, Usman had purchased a lake owned by a Jew to the Muslims. This is done because the lake water should not be taken by the Muslims. Future government of Abu Bakr happened drought. Many of the people who complained to the caliph to explain the difficulties of their lives. If people do not immediately help, many would starve fatal. At the time of this famine Usman donated food a thousand camels.

About worship, reported that Usman was killed while reading the Qur'an. Sword rebels about it when reading surah Al-Baqarah verse 137 which means: ... "So God will keep you from them. And He is the All-Hearing, All-Knowing. "When he did not budge at all, not even allowing people to approach him. When he collapsed bloody, Mushaf (sheet set) Al-Qur'an was still was in his hand.

Ali ibn Abi Talib

Ali ibn Abi Talib who was not lacking in the world of spirituality is also exemplary. He got a special place among the Sufis. For them Ali is a major spiritual teacher. Ali received special about this legacy of the Prophet Muhammad. Abu Ali al-Ruzbari, a Sufi, said that Ali was awarded the Science Laduni. Science, previously, specifically granted to the Prophet of Allah Khaidir U.S., as his word which means: ... "and We taught him knowledge from Our presence." (QS.Al Kahf: 65). Asceticism and humility Ali looks at a simple life. He is not ashamed to wear patched clothes, even he himself torn pakiannya patch.

One time he was carrying a meat market, and people greeted him: "Do not be ashamed master memapa meat ya Amirulmukminin (Caliph)?" Then he answered: "What I bring is kosher stuff, why should I be ashamed? '. Abu Nasr As-Sarraj at-Tusi commented on Ali. He said: "Among the companions of the Prophet Muhammad 'Ali bin Abi Talib Amirulmukminin have keistimewahan-sense understanding of its own with the great, subtle hint-hint, unique words, description and expression of monotheism, makrifat, faith, science, the the sublime, and so the grip and the example of the Sufi.

The life of the Ahl as-Suffah. In addition to the above four caliphs, as a reference to the Sufi is also known as the Ahl-Suffah. They stayed at the Nabawi Mosque in Medina in a state of poor round, firm in holding the belief, and always closer to Allah SWT. Among the Ahl as-Suffah it was Abu Hurairah, Abu Zar al-Giffari, Salman al-Farisi, Mu'az bin Jabal, Imran bin Husin, Abu Ubaidah bin Jarrah, Abdullah bin Mas'ud, 'Abdullah bin Abbas bin Huzaifah and Yemen. Nu'aim Abu al-Isfahani, author of Sufism (d. 430/1038) describes the nature of the Ahl as-Suffah Hilyat in his book al-Aulia '(Jewel of the trustees), which means: They are a group who awake from secular trends, preserved from liability and negligence against the poor role models away from the mundane. They do not have families and possessions. Even trade jobs or events that take place around them is not neglect them from the remembrance of Allah SWT. They are not saddened by the poverty of material and they do not digembirakan except by some that they are headed.

Among the Ahl as-Suffah that anyone has keistimewahan own. It was inherited by the Prophet Muhammad to them as Huzaifah bin Yemen has been taught by the Prophet Muhammad about the characteristics of hypocrites. If he talks about the hypocrites, the friends who always want to listen to others and do not want to get the knowledge gained from the Prophet SAW. Umar ibn al-Khattab had stunned Huzaifah description of the characteristics of hypocrites.

The Abu Zar al-Giffarri is a renowned Suffah Ahl as-a social nature. He appeared as the prototype (first figure) a true devotee. Abu Zar had never had anything, but he fully belongs to Allah, will enjoy a lasting treasure. If he is given anything in the form of the material, the material is broken down to the poor. So is Salman Al Farisi one expert Suffah a very simple life until the end hanyatnya. He is one of the Tariqa Naqshbandi Genealogy Experts who track Saidina teacher continued to Abu Bakr Siddiq came to the Prophet Muhammad.

CONGRATULATIONS enjoy so hopefully useful thanks

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